Conservatoire de l’abeille noire – Fondation Petrovic

Conservatoire de l’abeille noire – Fondation Petrovic

The conservatory of the black bee Report – 2020 All over the world, the Petrović Njegoš Foundation supports sustainable and environmentally friendly projects, such as this initiative to preserve endemic bee species with Terra Innova. At the request of the Petrović...
Rocket Labs

Rocket Labs

ROCKET LABS Corporate – 2018 The Lyon-based communication agency Rocket Labs regularly organizes meetings and training sessions over coffee: the “Vener breakfasts”. The opportunity for professionals to network and share expertise… A concept that...
Dark Waters – Mark Ruffalo

Dark Waters – Mark Ruffalo

Dark waters Event – 2020 Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo and director Todd Haynes came to present their film “Dark Waters” at the European Parliament to raise awareness about water pollution by the chemical industry. Agence B8 covered the event at the...
Everyone’s voice matters – ONU

Everyone’s voice matters – ONU

everyone’s voice matters – georgia Report – 2019 Armenian and Azeri minorities populate the eastern borders of Georgia. Mostly refugees from conflicts in their respective countries, these populations have sometimes been present for several generations,...
Portrait(s) d’ici – Vicat

Portrait(s) d’ici – Vicat

Portrait(s) d’ici – vicat Profils – 2019 The cement manufacturer Vicat promotes the social and ecological actions undertaken by the group, as here with the redevelopment of quarries into biodiversity-friendly sites in the Drôme. The Nouveau Monde agency...