7th World Congress against the Death Penalty – ECPM Reportage event – 2019 In February 2019, the 7th World Congress against the Death Penalty was held in Brussels. An event of international scope in which many political figures, institutions, associations,...
Mentor – intefp Advertising – 2021 Les nouveaux dispositifs du gouvernement pour favoriser le dialogue social peuvent paraître abstraites. Pourtant, il s’agit de fournir des clés pour résoudre des situtations du quotidien au travail, comme illustré par ces...
Pôle emploi – Between us Live broadcast– 2021 To mark the arrival of its new regional director, Pôle emploi Auvergne Rhône Alpes broadcast a 1.5-hour live program internally with more than 10 videos to meet the agents in the field. No less than 11 days of...
everyone’s voice matters – georgia Report – 2019 Armenian and Azeri minorities populate the eastern borders of Georgia. Mostly refugees from conflicts in their respective countries, these populations have sometimes been present for several generations,...
Moving towards inclusion – handicap international Motion design – 2021 The NGO Handicap International (now Humanity & Inclusion) addresses companies around the world to invite them to join a program for the inclusion of people with disabilities. The NGO...