Les Ateliers Du BocageCorporate – 2022For over 30 years, Ateliers Du Bocage has been accompanying social, ecological and digital transitions to prove that a responsible economic model is possible. The creation of their new logo was an opportunity to remind the public...
#MonChoixPro – Pôle emploi
# mon choix pro - pôle emploiPortrait Series– 2022 This series of 32 portraits made for Pôle emploi presents as many people who have undergone training to access employment or retrain. The #MonChoixPro campaign invites people who are far from employment to join the...
Foyer NDSA – Faites de cette histoire une réalité
Make this story realStop Motion – 2022 In Lyon, the Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans-Abri organized a crowdfunding campaign to finance a model apartment in a new shelter built to accommodate women in distress with their children. The Conversationnel agency, which manages the...
Mentor – INTEFP
Mentor - intefpAdvertising – 2021 Les nouveaux dispositifs du gouvernement pour favoriser le dialogue social peuvent paraître abstraites. Pourtant, il s'agit de fournir des clés pour résoudre des situtations du quotidien au travail, comme illustré par ces...
Pôle emploi- Entre Nous (Live)
Pôle emploi - Between usLive broadcast– 2021 To mark the arrival of its new regional director, Pôle emploi Auvergne Rhône Alpes broadcast a 1.5-hour live program internally with more than 10 videos to meet the agents in the field. No less than 11 days of filming and 3...
Everyone’s voice matters – ONU
everyone's voice matters - georgiaReport – 2019 Armenian and Azeri minorities populate the eastern borders of Georgia. Mostly refugees from conflicts in their respective countries, these populations have sometimes been present for several generations, without being...
Format dialogue – INTEFP
Format dialogue - intefpMotion design– 2019 In order to explain the new legal measures aimed at supporting social negotiation in companies, the Ministry of Labor and the INTEFP have set up a new website for union and employer representatives. And it is with this video...
Handicap International – le Chemin de l’Inclusion en Entreprise
Moving towards inclusion - handicap internationalMotion design – 2021 The NGO Handicap International (now Humanity & Inclusion) addresses companies around the world to invite them to join a program for the inclusion of people with disabilities. The NGO Handicap...
Le Mécénat d’Entreprise – Handicap International
corporate sponsorship in morocco- handicap internationalMotion design – 2018 As part of its projects around the inclusion of disadvantaged populations in the Maghreb, Handicap International presented its program around CSR and corporate sponsorship in Morocco....
People at the center – Handicap International
people at the center - handicap internationalCorporate – 2018 In December 2017, Humanity & Inclusion (formerly Handicap International) hosted the "People At The Center" seminar in Kigali, Rwanda. A meeting of international experts sharing practical tools around...