SuperProfInternet advertising – 2023 For the start of the new academic year in September 2023, French start-up Superprof wanted to flood social networks with communications about its low-cost learning opportunities, whatever the subject. B8 Agency created these 9...
Remote Radio Week – UNESCO
Remote Radio Week - UnescoTranslation– 2022 Organized by UNESCO in partnership with WHO, Remote Radio Week is an online training program aimed at strengthening the capacity of local radio stations to produce relevant and professional programs in case of containment or...
Mentor – INTEFP
Mentor - intefpAdvertising – 2021 Les nouveaux dispositifs du gouvernement pour favoriser le dialogue social peuvent paraître abstraites. Pourtant, il s'agit de fournir des clés pour résoudre des situtations du quotidien au travail, comme illustré par ces...