Accueil des Nouveaux Arrivants – Ville de Lyon

Accueil des Nouveaux Arrivants – Ville de Lyon

Welcome of newcomers -Ville de Lyon Motion design – 2018 Every week, the City of Lyon organizes an official welcome ceremony at the City Hall to welcome newcomers. This video is shown during the event to introduce the various municipal services. (EXCERPTS ONLY –...
Inclusion À l’École: Moi Aussi… – Handicap International

Inclusion À l’École: Moi Aussi… – Handicap International

Inclusion at School : Me Too – handicap international Motion design – 2018 As part of its program to strengthen inclusion in schools in the Maghreb, Handicap International Morocco has been screening this awareness-raising short film for primary school children...
Le Mécénat d’Entreprise – Handicap International

Le Mécénat d’Entreprise – Handicap International

corporate sponsorship in morocco- handicap international Motion design – 2018 As part of its projects around the inclusion of disadvantaged populations in the Maghreb, Handicap International presented its program around CSR and corporate sponsorship in Morocco....
Deviens Ergo au Maroc – Handicap International

Deviens Ergo au Maroc – Handicap International

become an occupational therapist in Morocco – Handicap international Motion design – 2017 Handicap International Morocco wanted to invite students to enroll in the first occupational therapy school in the country, by informing them through this educational...