Fantasme – Boostee

Fantasme – Boostee

Fantasme – Boostee Music video – 2021 “Fantasme” features the artist Boostee in a stylized nocturnal atmosphere, an urban universe where the human presence is fantasized – a sign of a very particular time when the Covid ruled the public space....
Plaine Lune – Boostee

Plaine Lune – Boostee

boostee – plaine lune Music video – 2021 In his music video “Plaine Lune”, Boostee celebrates friendship and the carefree spirit of youth. Directed by Joris Favraud, this music video marks the 10th collaboration between Boostee and Agence 8. The...
Jeunes et Tristes – Boostee

Jeunes et Tristes – Boostee

Jeunes & Tristes – Boostee Music video – 2021 Boostee changes register with the clip of “Jeunes & Tristes”, a melancholic track in which the artist returns with nostalgia on his past successes and relationships. For its 8th collaboration with...
On A Mangé Le Soleil – Cephaz

On A Mangé Le Soleil – Cephaz

on a mangé le soleil – cephaz Music video – 2020 The artist of Ghanaian origin Cephaz signs “On a mangé le soleil” (We ate the sun) a popular hit against overconsumption, featuring several characters overwhelmed by abundance. Cephaz was seduced by...
Sereinement – Boostee

Sereinement – Boostee

Sereinement – Boostee Music video – 2019 Boostee presents with “Sereinement” a committed clip featuring him alongside Miss France 2015, Camille Cerf. 7th collaboration of the artist B8 Agency, this clip directed by Yoann Luis was entirely shot in...