Pôle emploi- Entre Nous (Live)

Pôle emploi- Entre Nous (Live)

Pôle emploi - Between usLive broadcast– 2021 To mark the arrival of its new regional director, Pôle emploi Auvergne Rhône Alpes broadcast a 1.5-hour live program internally with more than 10 videos to meet the agents in the field. No less than 11 days of filming and 3...

Riso France – Émission spéciale

Riso France – Émission spéciale

SPECIAL PROGRAM- RISO FRANCEMulticam event - 2021 The French leader in inkjet printing announced the launch of a new printer to its sales force in a video event watched simultaneously by all group employees. The RISO France group wanted to create an internal event for...

The Spring Sessions – Robin Zeller

The Spring Sessions – Robin Zeller

The Spring Sessions - Robin Zeller2 music videos live – 2018 Singer-songwriter Robin Zeller released a new EP in 2018, including these two inspired tracks. Weird City, Special Town is an invitation to stroll the streets, while Cupola is directly addressed to French...

Live – King Child

Live – King Child

King ChildMusic video – 2016 The Franco-Belgian band King Child was invited to the Théâtre du Fil for an artistic residency. The opportunity for B8 to immortalize the quintet during a recording of four colorful songs, through the inspired eyes of director Robin...