#5Lives- Only Lyon – S02

#5Lives- Only Lyon – S02

#5lives - only lyon (season 2)Series of portraits – 2024 A new season for the #5Vies "Agir Ici, Changer Demain" campaign orchestrated by Lyon's territorial marketing department, which relies on ambassadors with inspiring backgrounds. Their names are Diane, Elisabete,...

#5Lives – Only Lyon – S01

#5Lives – Only Lyon – S01

5 LIVES - only lyon (season 1)Series of portraits– 2022 To accompany its new identity around the slogan "Act Here, Change Tomorrow", Lyon's territorial marketing relies on ambassadors with inspiring backgrounds. Their names are Tony, Diane, Lisa, Ruba & Mhiar and...

#MonChoixPro – Pôle emploi

#MonChoixPro – Pôle emploi

# mon choix pro - pôle emploiPortrait Series– 2022 This series of 32 portraits made for Pôle emploi presents as many people who have undergone training to access employment or retrain. The #MonChoixPro campaign invites people who are far from employment to join the...

Ski à l’Alpe d’Huez – Alpes IsHere

Ski à l’Alpe d’Huez – Alpes IsHere

ski day at alpe d'huez - alpes ishereCorporate – 2022 This series of 5 videos is designed to promote a getaway with friends in the Alpe d'Huez area. Big ski, ski touring or just relaxing...  B8 Agency had to cast a group of friends among many profiles of extras...

Week-End Hivernal En Duo – Alpes IsHere

Week-End Hivernal En Duo – Alpes IsHere

Winter weekend for two - Alpes IsHereCorporate – 2022 These 3 videos are intended to promote local tourism in Isère. Why not choose the Chartreuse massif for a romantic weekend, between nature and relaxation? After having casted a couple of extras, B8 Agency went to...

Succès d’Artisans – Alpes IsHere

Succès d’Artisans – Alpes IsHere

success of Artisans - alpes ishere12 reports – 2022Each year, 6 artisans from Isère with unique know-how are rewarded by the Chamber of Crafts of the department. An initiative intended to underline the attractiveness of the territory by promoting these extraordinary...

Week-end famille à la neige – Alpes IsHere

Week-end famille à la neige – Alpes IsHere

Family week-end in the snow - alpes ishereAdvertising – 2022 This series of 6 videos is intended to promote a family getaway for a weekend in the snow, via the Isère platform evasion.ishere.fr which promotes local and sustainable tourism Agence B8 first had to meet...

Automne Romantique en Isère – Alpes IsHere

Automne Romantique en Isère – Alpes IsHere

Romantic Autumn in Isère - alpes ishereAdvertising– 2021 Isère Attractivité, through its brand Alpes IsHere, wants to invite tourists to escape for a weekend in the department by booking their stay through the platform evasion.ishere.fr.  Targeting young couples to...

Promouvoir la Consommation Responsable – Ecolabel

Promouvoir la Consommation Responsable – Ecolabel

promote responsible consumption - ecolabelWeb campaign – 2019 The European Ecolabel is a certification that guarantees sustainable and environmentally friendly consumption. As its success grows among consumers, the European Environmental Bureau has organized this 5...

Enyo Pharma

Enyo Pharma

ENYO PHARMACorporate – 2019 The biotech laboratory Enyo Pharma, a virus-inspired drug discovery platform, presents its latest research through its 4 videos intended for partner researchers and investors. To shoot these 4 videos, the B8 Agency team had to go to the...

Icynene Isolation

Icynene Isolation

isolation - icyneneCorporate – 2018 Icynene, the global leader in foam insulation, details its key products and technologies at the launch of the brand's new website. Waka Communication called upon B8 Agency to realize this campaign of 3 videos as well as a photo...

People at the center – Handicap International

People at the center – Handicap International

people at the center - handicap internationalCorporate – 2018 In December 2017, Humanity & Inclusion (formerly Handicap International) hosted the "People At The Center" seminar in Kigali, Rwanda. A meeting of international experts sharing practical tools around...

À Propos Du Cancer – Hospices Civils de Lyon

À Propos Du Cancer – Hospices Civils de Lyon

about cancer - Hospices Civils de LyonCorporate serie – 2017 The Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) propose this series of 8 videos, giving the floor to their most eminent doctors and researchers, to detail the path of cancer treatment on the informative website...